○独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)代表
○基盤研究A 代表
代表 田中宏光 「精子細胞特異的遺伝子群の解析と男性不妊症の診断・治療法の開発」
○特定領域研究A 生殖細胞 (公募) 代表
○ 理化学研究所 バイオリソースセンター
委託研究課題 遺伝子操作マウス系統の開発 代表
○ 凸版印刷株式会社(共同研究)
○ アスビオファーマ株式会社(共同研究)
○独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)代表
○基盤研究A 代表
代表 田中宏光 「精子細胞特異的遺伝子群の解析と男性不妊症の診断・治療法の開発」
○特定領域研究A 生殖細胞 (公募) 代表
○独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)代表
○特定領域研究A 生殖細胞 (公募) 代表
○基盤研究A 分担
代表 西宗義武 「精子細胞特異的遺伝子群の解析と男性不妊症の診断・治療法の開発」
○基盤研究C 代表
「男性不妊症疾患関連遺伝子の同定とそのメカニズムの解析」 170万円
○特定領域研究A 生殖細胞 (公募) 代表
「精子細胞分化・初期発生とエピジェネシス」 300万円
○基盤研究C 代表
「男性不妊症疾患関連遺伝子の同定とそのメカニズムの解析」 180万円
○基盤研究B 分担
代表 西宗義武 「精子形成関連遺伝子の単離とその解析」 690万円
○厚生労働科学研究費補助金 分担
代表 西宗義武 「男性不妊症の原因遺伝子の同定と臨床応用」 5000万円
○基盤研究B 分担
代表 西宗義武 「精子形成関連遺伝子の単離とその解析」 740万円
○厚生労働科学研究費補助金 分担
代表 西宗義武 「男性不妊症の原因遺伝子の同定と臨床応用」 5000万円
○奨励研究A 代表
○厚生科学研究費補助金 分担
代表 西宗義武 「男性不妊症の原因遺伝子の同定と臨床応用」 5000万円
○基盤研究C 分担
代表 野崎正美 「半数体精子細胞及び生殖障害ヘテロ変異マウスに対する内分泌攪乱物質の影響」 180万円
○奨励研究A 代表
○特定領域研究A ゲノムサイエンス (公募) 代表
○特定領域研究A 分子シャペロン(公募) 分担
「分子シャペロン カルメジンの機能解析」
代表 蓬田健太郎 400万円
○基盤研究C 分担
代表 野崎正美 「半数体精子細胞及び生殖障害ヘテロ変異マウスに対する内分泌攪乱物質の影響」 250万円
○特定領域研究A 分子シャペロン(計画) 分担
代表 西宗義武 「分子シャペロン カルメジンの機能解析」 350万円
○特定領域研究A ゲノムサイエンス(公募) 分担
代表 西宗義武 「マウス半数体特異的に発現する遺伝子群の解析」 210万円
○萌芽的研究 分担
代表 岡部勝 「「ローカリゼーションシグナルトラップ法」の開発と精子形成に働く遺伝子の同定」 110万円
○特定領域研究A 分子シャペロン(計画) 分担
代表 西宗義武 「分子シャペロン カルメジンの機能解析」 200万円
○特定領域研究A ゲノムサイエンス(公募) 分担
代表 西宗義武 「マウス半数体特異的に発現する遺伝子群の解析」 200万円
○基盤研究B一般 分担
代表 西宗義武 「半数体精子細胞の分子機構」 520万円
○萌芽的研究 分担
代表 岡部勝 「「ローカリゼーションシグナルトラップ法」の開発と精子形成に働く遺伝子の同定」 110万円
○特定領域研究A 生殖細胞の成立と減数分裂移行の分子メカニズム(計画) 分担
代表 西宗義武 「生殖細胞の分化と発生に特異的発現をする遺伝子の解析」 700万円
○基盤研究B 一般 分担
代表 西宗義武 「半数体精子細胞の分子機構」 650万円
○特定領域研究A 生殖細胞の成立と減数分裂移行の分子メカニズム(計画) 分担
代表 西宗義武 「生殖細胞の分化と発生に特異的発現をする遺伝子の解析」 700万円
○特定領域研究A 生殖細胞の成立と減数分裂移行の分子メカニズム(公募) 分担
代表 西宗義武 「生殖細胞の分化と発生に特異的発現をする遺伝子の解析」 500万円
○大阪対ガン協会 ガン研究助成金奨励金 代表
77 Tokuhiro K, Hirose M, Miyagawa Y, Tsujimura A, Irie S, Isotani A,Okabe M, Toyama Y, Ito C, Toshimori K, Takeda K, Oshio S, Tainaka H, Tsuchida J, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y, Tanaka H. Meichroacidin containing the MORN motif is essential for spermatozoa morphogenesis. J Biol Chem: In press.
76 Matsuoka Y, Miyagawa Y, Tokuhiro K, Kitamura K, Iguchi N, Maekawa M, Takahashi T, Tsujimura A, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y, Tanaka H. Isolation and Characterization of the Haploid Germ Cell-Specific Smrp1 Gene for a Novel Manchette Protein in the Mouse. Mol Reprod Dev 75:967-975.
75 Yamada K, Akiyama N, Yamada S, Tanaka H, Saito S, Hiraoka M, Kizaka-Kondoh S. Taip2 is a novel cell death-related gene expressed in the brain during development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 369:426-431.
74 Ike A, Tokuhiro K, Hirose M, Nozaki M, Nishimune Y, Tanaka H. Comprehensive analysis of gene expression in testes producing haploid germ cells using DNA microarray analysis. Int J Androl 30 :462-475.
73 Tokuhiro K, Miyagawa Y, Yamada S, Hirose M, Ohta H, Nishimune Y, Tanaka H. The 193-Base Pair Gsg2 (Haspin) Promoter Region Regulates Germ Cell-Specific Expression Bidirectionally and Synchronously. Biol Reprod 76:407-414 (2007).
72 Kita K, Watanabe T, Ohsaka K, Hayashi H, Kubota Y, Nagashima Y, Aoki I, Taniguchi H, Noce T, Inoue K, Miki H, Ogonuki N, Tanaka H, Ogura A, Ogawa T. Production of Functional Spermatids from Mouse Germline Stem Cells in Ectopically Reconstituted Seminiferous Tubules. Biol Reprod. 76:211-217 (2007).
71 Nakada K, Sato A, Yoshida K, Morita T, Tanaka H, Inoue S, Yonekawa H, Hayashi J. Mitochondria-related male infertility. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103:15148-15153 (2006).
70 Fraisl P, Tanaka H, Forss-Petter S, Lassmann H, Nishimune Y, Berger J. A novel mammalian bubblegum-related acyl-CoA synthetase restricted to testes and possibly involved in spermatogenesis. Arch Biochem Biophys 451:23-33 (2006).
69 Tanaka H., Matsuoka Y, Onishi Y, Kitamura K, Miyagawa Y, Nishimura H, Tsujimura A, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Expression profiles and single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis of human HANP1/H1T2 encoding a histone H1-like protein. Int J Androl 29:353-359 (2006).
68 Tsuneoka M, Nishimune Y, Ohta K, Teye K, Tanaka H, Soejima M, Iida H, Inokuchi T, Kimura H, Koda Y. Expression of Mina53, a product of a Myc target gene in mouse testis. Int J Androl 29:323-330 (2006).
67 Miyagawa Y, Nishimura H, Tsujimura A, Matsuoka Y, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y, Tanaka H. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms and mutation analyses in the TNP1 and TNP2 genes of fertile and infertile human male populations. J Androl 26:779-786 (2005).
66 Tanaka H, Iguchi N, Isotani A, Kitamura K, Toyama Y, Matsuoka Y Onishi Y, Masai K, Maekawa M, Toshimori K, Okabe M, Nishimune Y. HANP1/H1T2, a novel histone H1-like protein involved in nuclear formation and sperm fertility. Mol Cell Biol 16:7107-7119 (2005).
65 Matsuoka Y, Nishimura H, Numazawa K, Tsuchida J, Miyagawa Y, Tsujimura A, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y, Tanaka H. Sperm flagella protein components: Human meichroacidin constructed by the MORN motif. Reprod Med Biol 4: 213-219 (2005).
64 Nagamori I, Yabuta N, Fujii T, Tanaka H, Yomogida K, Nishimune Y, Nojima H. Tisp40, a spermatid specific bZip transcription factor, functions by binding to the unfolded protein response element via the Rip pathway. Genes Cells 10: 575-594 (2005).
63 Kitamura K, Nishimura H, Numazawa K, Nishimune Y, Tanaka H. Identification of Human HAPRIN Potentially Involved in the Acrosome Reaction. J Androl 26: 511-518 (2005).
62 Ihara M, Kinoshita A, Yamada S, Tanaka H, Tanigaki A, Kitano A, Goto M, Okubo K, Nishiyama H, Ogawa O, Takahashi C, Itohara S, Nishimune Y, Noda M, Kinoshita M. Cortical organization by the septin cytoskeleton is essential for structural and mechanical integrity of the mammalian sperm. Developmental Cell 8: 343-352 (2005).
61 Arroteia KF, Joazeiro PP, Yamada AT, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Pereira LA. Identification and characterization of an antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody TRA 54 in mouse epididymis and vas deferens. J Androl 25:914-921 (2004).
60 Tanaka H, Iguchi N, Toyama Y, Kitamura K, Takahashi T, Kaseda K, Maekawa M, Nishimune Y. Mice deficient in the axonemal protein Tektin-t exhibit male infertility and immotile-cilium syndrome due to impaired inner arm dynein function. Mol Cell Biol 24:7958-7964 (2004).
59 Kitamura K, Iguchi N, Kaneko Y, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y. Characterization of a Novel Postacrosomal Perinuclear Theca-Specific Protein, CYPT1. Biol Reprod 71: 1927-1935 (2004).
58 Tanaka H, Takahashi T, Iguchi N, Kitamura K, Miyagawa Y, Tsujimura A, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Ketone bodies could support the motility but not the acrosome reaction of mouse sperm. Int J Androl 27:172-177 (2004).
57 Matsuoka Y, Iguchi N, Kitamura K, Nishimura H, Manabe H, Miyagawa Y, Koga M, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y. Cloning and characterization of a mouse spergen-1 localized in sperm mitochondria. Int J Androl 27:152-160 (2004).
56 Onishi M, Yasunaga T, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Nozaki M. Gene structure and evolution of testicular haploid germ cell-specific genes, Oxct2a and Oxct2b. Genomics 83:647-657 (2004).
55 Takahashi T, Tanaka H, Iguchi N, Kitamura K, Chen Y, Maekawa M, Nishimura H, Ohta H, Miyagawa Y, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Rosbin: a novel homeobox-like protein gene expressed exclusively in round spermatids. Biol Reprod 70:1485-1492 (2004).
54 Iguchi N, Tanaka H, Yamada S, Nishimura H, Nishimune Y. Control of mouse hils1 gene expression during spermatogenesis: identification of regulatory element by transgenic mouse. Biol Reprod 70:1239-1245 (2003).
53 Iguchi N, Tanaka H, Yomogida K, Nishimune Y. Isolation and characterization of a novel cDNA encoding a DNA-binding protein (Hils1) specifically expressed in testicular haploid germ cells. Int J Androl 26:354-365 (2003).
52 Kitamura K, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y. Haprin, a novel haploid germ-cell-specific RING finger protein involved in the acrosome reaction. J Biol Chem 278:44417-44423 (2003).
51 Kitamura K, Miyagawa Y, Iguchi N, Nishimura H, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y. Molecular cloning and characterization of the human orthologue of the oppo 1 gene encoding a sperm tail protein. Mol Hum Reprod 9:237-243 (2003).
50 Hisano M, Yamada S, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Nozaki M. Genomic structure and promoter activity of the testis haploid germ cell-specific intronless genes, Tact1 and Tact2. Mol Reprod Dev 65:148-156 (2003).
49 Tanaka H., Iguchi N., de Carvalho CE., Tadokoro Y., Yomogida K, Nishimune Y. The Novel Actin-Like Proteins T-ACTIN 1 and T-ACTIN 2 are Differentially Expressed in the Cytoplasm and Nucleus of Mouse Haploid Germ Cells. Biol Reprod 69:475-482 (2003).
48 Kashiwaba M, Katsura K, Ohnishi M, Sasaki M, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Kobayashi T, Tamura S. A novel protein phosphatase 2C family member (PP2Czeta) is able to associate with ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 9(1). FEBS Lett 538:197-202 (2003).
47 Tanaka H, Miyagawa Y, Tsujimura A, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the protamine-1 and -2 genes of fertile and infertile human male populations. Mol Hum Reprod 9:69-73 (2003).
46 Tanaka H, Iguchi N, Miyagawa Y, Koga M, Kohroki J, Nishimune Y. Differential expression of succinyl CoA transferase (SCOT) genes in somatic and germline cells of the mouse testis. Int J Androl 26:52-6 (2003).
45 Ike A, Yamada S, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Nozaki M. Structure and promoter activity of the gene encoding ornithine decarboxylase antizyme expressed exclusively in haploid germ cells in testis (OAZt/Oaz3). Gene 298:183-193 (2002).
44 Ozaki-Kuroda K, Nakanishi H, Ohta H, Tanaka H, Kurihara H, Mueller S, Irie K, Ikeda W, Sakai T, Wimmer E, Nishimune Y, Takai Y. Nectin couples cell-cell adhesion and the actin scaffold at heterotypic testicular junctions. Curr Biol 12:1145-1150 (2002).
43 Tanaka K, Tamura H, Tanaka H, Katoh M, Futamata Y, Seki N, Nishimune Y, Hara T. Spermatogonia-dependent expression of testicular genes in mice.
Dev Biol 246:466-79 (2002).
42 Miyagawa Y, Tanaka H, Iguchi H, Kitamura K, Nakamura Y. Takahashi T, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A. Nishimune Y, Molecular cloning and characterization of the human orthologue of male germ cell-specific actin capping protein alpha3 (cp alpha3). Mol Hum Rprod 8:531-539 (2002).
41 Fujii T, Tamura K, Masai M, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Nojima H. Use of stepwise subtraction to comprehensively isolate mouse genes whose transcription is upregulated during spermiogenesis . EMBO Report 3:367-372 (2002).
40 Nakamura Y, Tanaka H, Koga M, Miyagawa Y, Iguchi N, Egydio De Carvalho C, YomogidaK, Nozaki M, Nojima H, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of oppo 1: a Haploid Germ Cell-Specific cDNA Encoding Sperm Tail Protein. Biol Reprod 67:1-7 (2002).
39 Iguchi N, Tanaka H, Nakamura Y, Nozaki M, Fujiwara T, Nishimune Y. Cloning and characterization of the human tektin-t gene. Mol Hum Reprod 8:525-530 (2002).
38 Egydio De Carvalho C, Tanaka H, Iguchi N, Ventela S, Nojima H, Nishimune Y. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Complementary DNA Encoding Sperm Tail Protein SHIPPO 1. Biol Reprod 66:785-795 (2002).
37 Tanaka H, Kohroki J, Iguchi N, Onishi M, Nishimune Y. Cloning and characterization of a human orthologue of testis-specific succinyl CoA: 3-oxo acid CoA transferase (Scot-t) cDNA. Mol Hum Reprod 8:16-23 (2002).
36 Ikawa M, Nakanishi T, Yamada S, Wada I, Kominami K, Tanaka H, Nozaki M, Nishimune Y, Okabe M. Calmegin is required for fertilin alpha/beta heterodimerization and sperm fertility. Dev Biol 240 :254-261 (2001).
35 Tanaka H, Koga M, Yomogida K, Iguchi N, Nozaki M, Onishi M, de Carvalho CE, Nakamura Y, Miyagawa Y, Takeyama M, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. (2001). Isolation and Characterization of Haplioid Germ Cell-Specific suuccinyl CoA: 3-oxo Acid CoA Transferase (scot-t1 and scot-t2). Andrology in the 21st Century. Proceeding of VIIth international congress of andrology, 157-161.
34 Yoshimura Y, Tanaka H, Nozaki M, Yomogida K, Yasunaga T, Nishimune Y. Nested genomic structure of haploid germ cell specific haspin gene. Gene 267: 49-54 (2001).
33 Tanaka H, Iguchi N, Nakamura Y, Kohroki J, de Carvalho CE, Nishimune Y. Cloning and characterization of human haspin gene encoding haploid germ cell-specific nuclear protein kinase. Mol Hum Reprod 7: 211-218 (2001).
32 Ventela S, Mulari M, Okabe M, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Toppari J, Parvinen M. Regulation of acrosome formation in mice expressing green fluorescent protein as a marker. Tissue Cell 32: 501-507 (2000).
31 Koga M, Tanaka H, Yomogida K, Nozaki M, Tsuchida J, Ohta H, Nakamura Y, Masai K, Yoshimura Y, Yamanaka M, Iguchi N, Nojima H, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Isolation and characterization of a haploid germ cell-specific novel complementary deoxyribonucleic acid; testis-specific homologue of succinyl CoA:3-Oxo acid CoA transferase. Biol Rprod 63, 1601-1609 (2000).
30 Uchida K, Tsuchida J, Tanaka H, Koga M, Nishina Y, Nozaki M, Yoshinaga K, Toshimori K, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Cloning and characterization of a complementary deoxyribonucleic acid encoding haploid-specific alanine-rich acidic protein located on chromosome-X. Biol Reprod 63: 993-999 (2000).
29 Ventela S, Okabe M, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Toppari J, Parvinen M. Expression of green fluorescent protein under beta-actin promoter in living spermatogenic cells of the mouse: stage-specific regulation by FSH. Int J Androl 23: 236-242 (2000).
28 Yamanaka M, Koga M, Tanaka H, Nakamura Y, Ohta H, Yomogida K, Tsuchida J, Iguchi N, Nojima H, Nozaki M, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Toshimori K, Nishimune Y. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of PCTP phosphatidylcholine transfer protein like protein (PCTP-L) gene expressed in haploid germ cells. Biol Reprod 62: 1694-1701 (2000).
27 Tosaka Y, Tanaka H, Yano Y, Masai1 K, Nozaki M, Yomogida K, Otani S, Nojima H, Nishimune Y. Identification and Characterization of Testis Specific Ornithine Decarboxylase Antizyme (OAZ-t) Gene: Expression in Haploid Germ Cells and Polyamine-Induced Frameshifting. Genes Cells 5: 265-76 (2000).
26 Yabuta N, Fujii T, Copeland N G, Gilbert D J, Jenkins N A, Nishiguchi H, Endo Y, Toji S, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Nojima H. Structure, expression, and chromosome mapping of LATS2, a mammalian homologue of the drosophila tumor suppressor gene lats/warts. Genomics 63: 263-70 (2000).
25 Ling X, Tanaka H, Tsuchida J, Nishimune Y. Identification of differentiation antigens in mouse testicular germ cells recognized by monoclonal antibody TRA 55. Int J Androl 23: 29-35 (2000).
24 Yoshimura Y, Tanaka H, Nozaki M, Yomogida K, Shimamura K, Yasunaga T, Nishimune Y. Genomic analysis of male germ cell-specific actin capping protein alpha. Gene 237: 193-199 (1999).
23 Kuroda T, Tanaka H, Nakamura H, Nishimune Y, Kishimoto T. Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein (HRP)-1 gene in spermatogenesis in mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 262: 433-437 (1999).
22 Fujii T, Tamura K, Copeland N G, Gilbert D J, Jenkins N A, Yomogida K, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Nojima H, Abiko Y. Sperizin is a murine RING zinc-finger protein specifically expressed in Haploid germ cells. Genomics 57: 94-101 (1999).
21 Tanaka H, Yoshimura Y, Nozaki M, Yomogida K, Tsuchida J, Tosaka Y, Habu T, Nakanishi T, Okada M, Nojima H, Nishimune Y. Identification and characterization of a haploid germ cell-specific nuclear protein kinase (Haspin) in spermatid nuclei and its effects on somatic cells. J Biol Chem. 274: 17049-17057 (1999).
20 Iguchi N, Tanaka H, Fujii T, Tamura K, Kaneko Y, Nojima H, Nishimune Y. Molecular cloning of haploid germ cell-specific tektin cDNA and analysis of the protein in mouse testis. FEBS Lett 456: 315-321 (1999).
19 Koga M, Tanaka H, Yomogida K, Tsuchida J, Uchida K, Kitamura M, Sakoda S, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Expression of selenoprotein-P messenger ribonucleic acid in the rat testis. Biol Reprod 58: 261-265 (1998).
18 Pereira L A V D, Tanaka H, Nagata Y, Sawada K, Mori H, Chimelli L M C, Nishimune Y. Characterization and expression of a stage specific antigen by monoclonal antibody TRA 54 in testicular germ cells. Int J Androl 21: 34-40 (1998).
17 Tsujimura A, Shida K, Kitamura M, Nomura M, Takeda J, Tanaka H, Matsumoto M, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y, Okabe M, Seya T. Molecular cloning of a murine homologue of membarane cofactor protein (CD46): preferential expression in testicular germ cells., Biochem J 330: 163-168 (1998).
16 Tanaka H, Ikawa M, Tsuchida J, Nozaki M, Suzuki M, Fujiwara T, Okabe M, Nishimune Y. Cloning and characterization of the human calmegin gene encoding putative testis-specific chaperone., Gene 204: 159-163 (1997).
15 Tanaka H, Pereira L A V D, Nozaki M, Tsuchida J, Sawda K, Mori H, Nishimune Y. A germ cell-specific nuclear antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody raised against mouse testicular germ cells. Int J Androl 20: 361-366 (1997).
14 Kondoh N, Nishina Y, Tsuchida J, Koga M, Tanaka H, Uchida K, Inazawa J, Taketo M M, Nozaki M, Nojima H, Matsumiya K, Namiki M, Okuyama A, Nishimune Y. Molecular cloning and characterization of the human SCP1 gene encoding a major component of meiotic synaptonemal complexes. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 78: 103-104 (1997).
13 Miyagawa S, Ikawa M, Kominami K, Tanaka H, Mikata S, Matsuda H, Seya T, Shirakura R, Okabe M. The regulation of membrane cofactor protein (CD46) expression in transgenic mice: The importance of the first 125 bp of the 3’ untranslated region. Transplantation Proc 29: 914-942 (1997).
12 Miyagawa S, Mikata S, Tanaka H, Ikawa M, Kominami K, Seya T, Nishimune Y, Shirakura R, Okabe M. The regulation of membrane cofactor protein (CD46) expression by the 3' untranslated region in transgenic mice. Biochem Biophys Res Com 233: 829-833 (1997).
11 Matsui M, Ichihara H, Kobayashi S, Tanaka H, Tsuchida J, Nozaki M, Yoshimura Y, Nojima H, Rochelle J M, Nihimune Y, Taketo M M, Seldin M. F. Mapping of six germ cell-specific genes to mouse chromosomes. Mammalian Genome 8: 873-874 (1997).
10 Taketo M M, Araki Y, Matsunaga A, Yokoi A, Tsuchida J, Nishina Y, Nozaki M, Tanaka H, Koga M, Uchida K, Matsumiya K, Okuyama A, Rchelle J M, Nishimune Y, Matsui M, Seldin M F. Mapping of eight testis-specific genes to mouse chromosomes. Genomics 46: 138-142 (1997).
9 Miyagawa S, Ikawa M, Kominami K, Yoshimura Y, Tanaka H, Mikata S, Shirakura R, Matsuda H, Yanagi Y, Seya T, Okabe M. Difference of expression levels between gene technological ptoduct DCYT-MCP(CD46) and intact MCP(CD46) in transgenic mice. Transplantation Proc 28: 585-586 (1996).
8 Tanaka H, Yasuzawa K, Kohno K, Goshima N, Kano Y, Saiki T, Imamoto F. Role of HU proteins in forming and constraining supercoils of chromosomal DNA
in Escherichia coli. Mol Gen Genet 248: 518-526 (1995).
7 Tanaka H, Yoshimura Y, Nishina Y, Nozaki M, Nojima H, Nishimune Y. Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones specifically expressed in testicular germ cells. FEBS Lett 355: 4-10 (1994).
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